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Hair loss

Have hair loss treated by a dermatologist in Frankfurt

Do you suffer from hair loss? At our dermatology practice in Frankfurt, we offer you effective treatment options for hair loss. Our experienced team will thoroughly examine the causes of your hair loss and develop customized treatment plans. With state-of-the-art treatment methods and individual care, we help you to effectively combat hair loss and regain healthy, full hair.

Make an appointment today and let our dermatologists advise you.

Hair loss - help and tips - hallo hessen with Dr. Aleksander Markovic

Watch the interview with Dr. A. Markovic on “hallo hessen” on the subject of hair loss.

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Further information

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Causes of hair loss

The main causes of hair loss include hereditary hair loss, disease-related hair loss such as alopecia areata, hormonal disorders, nutritional deficiencies and stress.

In order to make a precise diagnosis, thorough research into the causes is essential. Laboratory tests and a hair analysis using TrichoLAB can be carried out.

This enables us to analyze the hair root, assess the hair quality and the hair loss pattern and thus narrow down the cause. We can then assess which individual hair loss treatment method should be used to stop hair loss for the long term and stimulate new hair growth.

Treatment of hair loss with TrichoLAB

TrichoLAB is a modern, diagnostic method for the examination of hair and scalp using trichoscopy. This non-invasive digital image analysis enables precise diagnosis without the need to remove hair.

Through this non-invasive diagnostic procedure and with the help of our experts specializing in hair loss, the cause of hair loss can be identified more quickly and accurately. Furthermore, the hair growth cycle of the hair can be determined. This enables us to determine a targeted therapy for your hair loss and to follow the course of therapy objectively. This means we can effectively stop and combat your hair loss.

PRP against hair loss

PRP, also known as platelet-rich plasma, is an innovative autologous blood therapy in which a small amount of blood (10 ml) is taken from the vein. This blood is then centrifuged and filtered to obtain a concentrated platelet preparation rich in growth factors such as VEGF, EDGF and FGF. The plasma obtained in this way is injected specifically into the affected areas of the scalp, where it promotes the activation of blood vessel-forming cells and stimulates hair growth. By forming new blood vessels, the hair roots are also better supplied with blood. The coat grows thicker and stronger again.

As it is the patient’s own blood, no side effects or allergic reactions are to be expected, making this therapy suitable for both men and women.

PRP2 Haarausfall

Advantages of PRP treatment against hair loss

PRP therapy is suitable for all hair types due to the use of the body’s own blood plasma and at the same time minimizes the risk of allergic reactions. The application promotes blood flow to the scalp, while the growth factors contained in PRP activate “dormant” hair follicles. Used early on, PRP therapy for hair loss can reactivate the remaining hair roots and thus prevent the need for a hair transplant.

PRP3 Haarausfall

Treatment procedure and refresher sessions

For optimum results, we recommend at least three treatments every four weeks. In addition, we recommend prescription products and non-prescription solutions for the scalp to enhance the effect.

Visible results can be expected around three months after the end of treatment. After treatment, hair density and strength can be objectified using TrichoLAB. In order to maintain the result in the long term, we recommend regular refreshments within an individually defined time frame.

Mesotherapy against hair loss

Mesotherapy offers a gentle and effective way to combat hair loss and promote hair health. In this non-invasive treatment method, special active ingredients such as vitamins, peptides (amino acids) and hyaluronic acid are injected directly into the scalp.

How does mesotherapy work?

These natural active ingredients in the injected nutrient solution revitalize the hair roots, slow down or stop hair loss and promote blood circulation in the scalp. This improves hair quality and promotes renewed, sustained growth.

Who is mesotherapy suitable for?

Patients with hair roots still present benefit most from mesotherapy, so early intervention is crucial. Experience has shown that the success rate of this treatment is over 80%. Typical results are:

  • Reduction in hair loss from the third treatment.
  • Regrowth of healthier and fuller hair after three to four months.
  • Treatment of mild forms of circular hair loss (alopecia areata).

Treatment procedure and refresher sessions

In most cases, 10 treatments at weekly intervals are required to achieve lasting success. To maintain the result, we recommend regular refresher treatments at individually defined intervals.

Alopecia areata (circular hair loss)

The cause of circular hair loss remains largely unclear, although it is assumed that an infection leads to activation of the body’s own immune cells. These immune cells attack the hair roots, which ultimately leads to circular hair loss. In some cases, underlying conditions such as thyroid disease, neurodermatitis or psoriasis can be associated with alopecia areata.

Circular hair loss most commonly affects the scalp, but can also affect eyelashes and eyebrows. The disease typically occurs in the second or third decade of life.

How do you treat circular hair loss?

There are various therapeutic approaches for the treatment of alopecia areata, but all of them are aimed at suppressing the patient’s own immune system. These include various ointments and creams as well as system therapeutics such as cortisone, cytostatics or JAK-STAT inhibitors. However, these should only be used in extensive cases of alopecia areata and after careful consideration of the benefits and risks.

In our practice in Frankfurt, we offer local treatment with triamcinolone, in which the preparation is only injected into the affected areas. This treatment shows success rates of around 80%, with the first new hairs starting to grow around 6-8 weeks after the first injection.

Table of contents

PRP against hair loss

280€ per treatment

Several injections using a gun in the area of the scalp


30 minutes


Minimal, no anesthesia necessary






3 treatments at intervals of 4 weeks. Thereafter maintenance therapy 1-2 x/year

Mesotherapy against hair loss

70€ per treatment

Several injections using a gun in the area of the scalp


15 minutes


Minimal, no anesthesia necessary






1x/week for 7-10 treatments. Maintenance therapy every 6-8 weeks

Triamcinolone for circular hair loss

95€ per treatment

Several injections in the affected area


20 minutes


Minimal, no anesthesia necessary






3- 4 treatments at intervals of 4 weeks

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